Thursday, February 7, 2013

2013 Inaugaral Prayer Breakfast Sermon

I believe we as Christians are called to pray and preach the truth & fight God's battles for the heavenly  
kingdom. Therefore when I heard that the minister that was asked to speak was actually a Messianic Rabbi who stood for biblical principals & salvation through Jesus Christ and I received an email asking me to write and encourage him to use his time at the 2013 inaugural prayer breakfast to preach repentance, I did so. You can see the email below in bold red print that I sent him and the response I got back. 
I am sharing this with you for several reasons.
  1. Because I believe it affects how we should be praying for our country's leaders!
  2. Our President has been told the truth of God's word so we should pray that the powers of darkness that is obviously at work is bound in the name of Jesus so God's Spirit speak to Mr. Obama.
  3. Also pray for protection & safety for Pastor Cahn. Satan cannot be ok with what he said to the President and other leaders of our country.
Now after reading the email correspondence between Cahns office & I, scroll down and click the picture below to watch the video of the actual sermon. I just cried as I listened because it ministered to my own heart but also because President Obama will NEVER be able say he didn't know! I thank God for faithful prophets in the land. it has been taken down from YouTube several times I understand, so do a favor, pass this on to everyone you know so they too can pray.

From: "Phil Petre" <>
To: <>
Subject: TESHUVAH: Inaugural Prayer Breakfast
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2013 23:45:55 -0600
Dear Rabbi,
am writing because of the times we live in and the opportunity you have before you to be the keynote speaker at the inaugural breakfast, to urge you too call America to a place of repentance. Repentance for the shedding of the innocent blood of millions of unborn babies, the sins of homosexuality and more, peradventure like Israel of old, when they repented that God would have mercy on them, so He would have mercy on us!
We are also praying for you that you would through the power of the Holy Spirit preach an anointed message that would bring forth repentance.
Phil M Petre
Of: (918) 653-7312
Cell: (918) 649-7555
Skype: GoldenruleGroup-Phil.Petre
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From: office []
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 8:11 PM
To: Phil Petre
Subject: re: TESHUVAH: Inaugural Prayer Breakfast

Greetings and Blessings in Yeshua’s Name,

Jonathan wanted me to thank you for your e-mail and your encouraging words. That’s exactly what he plans to speak about –a call to repentance.
He asks for your prayers.

God bless you,

Sharon Krahn
Hope of the Wordl

Please don't print this e-mail unless really necessary- Save a tree
Sharon Krahn,Office Administrator 

The Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel
11 Railroad Av
Wayne, NJ 07470
973 709-9466 ext 7


Phil Petre pastors a church in OK and loves to see the kingdom of God advancing in the last days. Feel free to make contact with him at the contact info below. 

Phil Petre
Of (918) 653-7312 or Cell: (918)649-7555