Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Visual of the Insolvency of the Banks

Received from a friend with a background in the banking industry... Interesting Info. This info was wrote for those invested in Iraqi Dinar but is good info regardless of who you are.

FRIENDS: (This is public information – ok for distribution)
Reuters released a new report on US and Global banking insolvency. As hinted in past private mailings, the report suggests that our banking experience after converting Dinar or Dong to dollars may be “the beginning of sorrows.”
The Reuters article should convince Dinar holders that the RV is likely to bankrupt the US Treasury and the four or five participating banks we’re required to use.
Due to their bad investment bets where the banks lost money in the last five years, they will not be unable to cover the Accounts we set up to hold the funds. THEY’RE INSOLVENT. They may pretend (unfairly) that all is well but if 2.5 million Americans try to deposit (on average) one million US dollars each. it will send the nine largest banks in the world into total bankruptcy.
No wonder the US Treasury keeps delaying the RV, or requesting others to hold it up. Even the Dodd-Frank accounts we are told to use will depend on the US Treasury to provide “unlimited insurance” through Dec 31.
Every warning that can be given has been given A GLOBAL CURRENCY CRASH IS UNAVOIDABLE because the same insolvency exists in 194 other countries that all have central banks. They wildly printed money for their nations similar to the 12 US Federal Reserve banks.
The US Treasury may be the first or the last to crash, but the Treasuries or central banks around the world will all domino down within weeks of each other – based on the numbers. The graphics below will help to convince you.
If your US dollars are deposited in genuine Dodd-Frank accounts, then you will someday be awarded one gold-colored new US Treasure bill to replace one of your Dodd-Frank greenback dollars on a one-to-one basis. Any crumpled greenback dollars you have at home or in other accounts will be devalued 40 to 60 % (rumored) as you trade in old dollars for the new treasury bills.
Your Dinar were and are backed by oil and gold, so you deserved to be paid in gold/oil backed Treasury bills. That’s why the Dodd-Frank accounts were designed – Congressmen needed those accounts also.
If you understand this logic, your next question might be “Won’t that depend on those banks still being in existence through December 2012 ?”
Five big US banks turned in their 4,000-page “Last Will” documents on July 1 in preparation for likely bankruptcy. These documents describe to bank regulators how the banks will conclude business with their various classes of clients if and when they are bankrupted.
Savings and checking accounts are what we wonder about. We may learn soon that the big banks have already filed for protection. See the graphics below. In a bankruptcy, client accounts can be claimed as an asset of the bank. The bank owners will give each other bonuses and fly away. Don’t expect your bank account to survive a bankruptcy intact - if at all. Not at this strange time in banking history.
These uncertainties might be a reason to buy insurance on our bank account(s) - from Lloyds of London or some other outside insurance company, assuming you plan to deposit over 250,000 US dollars. Question: where does Lloyds store their money that is going to save you?
The US Treasury only allows Dinar and Dong conversions into US dollars (not silver, gold or any other currency).
The FDIC (a private company) is already billions in the red. When the currency crash hits, banks will close, and the FDIC will probably be bankrupted also, or being insolvent, will refuse to cover client accounts.
Some people may choose to convert a limited amount of Dinar, but hold the bulk of their Dinar to be converted later after US Treasury bills are issued.
One country may be immune from the currency meltdown. IRAQ. We have more monthly violence in DC and LA that they have in the whole of Iraq. Their government is about as slow, bribed, and corrupt as the US government. However, the DInar you hold is or will be the most valuable currency in the world, backed by Iraqi gold, oil, diamonds, rare earth, and commodities – even after the global currency crash that is forecast to come soon.
Other central banks may close, but not the Iraq banks. Some people are considering storing some Dinar in the Iraq bank owned by DInar Trade where it will become real Dinar currency. (Described at ).That gets it off-shore. There will be branches of that bank here in the US. Dinar stored there in an Iraqi bank, it can be converted to metals or held in secure deposit until the meltdown is stopped and central banks are purged of corrupt practices and evil people. Economies will then be rebuilt using real credit money.
All fiat-debt money must be eradicated nation by nation. National economies will be restarted with the fortunes of the ancient Global Settlement Funds – but not until corrupt bankers and leaders have been removed. The meltdown will bring cathartic relief.
SCROLL FURTHER DOWN TO FIND WELLS FARGO and the other banks we must use to deposit Dinar RV funds.The first group below merely shows the scale that will be used throughout.Scroll further to find your favorite bank(s). The trillions of debt get bigger as you scroll down. All are insolvent.

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